I was just as impressed with Jack's gridwork, lovely job with his adjacent downs, YOGI BERRA / SMELL TEST delightful entries, with no glue necessary to hold the region together. Going the extra mile paid huge dividends - the final product is much better than the original set. Maybe if you bent over, squinted, and hummed "la la la!" while standing on one foot, you could make the case that ring = tone. I'm glad Will Shortz pushed back on COPPERTONE since it's not nearly as strong as something like ration = SUPPLY. It's a great concept, even if you both came up with it in the same time frame. Jordan racing Jack reminded me of Edison jockeying with Tesla Jack winning this War of the Crosswords. On our honeymoon in Aruba, my wife read books like a normal sunbather while I brought my laptop to the beach to write clues. It was my first NYT acceptance and one of the best wedding gifts I received. I got an unofficial thumbs up from Will on the revised grid (pending clues) the morning after my wedding, 9/2/19. Swapping in SILICON CHIP and CARBON DATED required remaking the entire grid, but I think it turned out better than the original. It took a fair amount of back and forth to land on the final set, and I'm grateful for Will and Sam's patience through that process. I originally submitted this puzzle with the following theme set:īut the editing team pointed out that ring = tone was not a very precise association and asked if I had any replacements. I hope today's puzzle wasn't too… elementary. My New York Times debut was only about a month ago, and it's great to be back so soon! Thursday is my favorite crossword day.